Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Homework for 10-14

In relation to the presentations, I was more drawn to No Seconds. I like that what one presentation did not have though, the other did. For example, No Seconds showed the age of the criminal and what they did to have the death penalty placed upon them while The Last Meal Project did not. On the other hand, The Last Meal Project has photos of those given the death penalty as well as when they were executed while No Seconds did not. I think that if the two presentations were combined it would make a more chilling presentation than the two already are by themselves.

I loved the artistic aspect of No Seconds. As a photography nut, I enjoyed how extravagant or empty the plates looked. You almost get a sense of the person just by how Hargreaves sets up the food, silverware and table settings. Hargreaves wants the audience to see the food and relate it to the criminal and what they stood for, how they thought of themselves and how they were in general. They are all very distinctive to the individual and when you put the photographs together with the age and reason they were given the death penalty, it all draws a bigger image for the audience.

As for The Last Meals project, I liked the aspect of the mug shot of the criminal and the time that they were executed. You can see that they’re just people. Plain and simple. They’re people just like you’d see anywhere. The time shows us a more likeliness aspect (I think that’s what I’m trying to say anyways) if this were to happen. For instance more recent times, it’s not as prominent as it was in the past. Another technique that was brought into The Last Meals Project was that of outside information. It tells the audience what the Lethal Injections consist of, how the executioner’s position is, the normal meals of inmates on death row, facts about the death penalty, the race of homicide victims that resulted in a death sentence, countries ranks with executions, and how much is spent on the death penalty each year. That, to me, adds another more educational aspect to the presentation. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Speech reflection

On my presentation I was extremely nervous. I practiced it so much that I think it made me even more nervous that I would forget what I wanted to bring up. I have horrible stage fright and it's something I really need to get over. I think I did a pretty good job with movement and not staying in one place. I think I made eye contact fairly well and better than I expected that I would (I thought I would probably stare at the walls most of the time to be honest). I watched the video and honestly I'm not sure if what I was doing with my hands could be considered fidgeting. It could go either way and I need to work on that some as well. You told me I need to work on my volume and my rushed speech. I now realize that the more I just want to get public speaking over with and done as quickly as possible, the faster I speak. I need to learn to breathe more once I actually get in front of people and I need to project to the back of the room. What I really should work on that I feel would make public speaking easier in situations like this is the confidence I have going in. While watching the video of myself I could feel the anxieties all over again so I'm sure that everyone else in the room could too, which is NOT good. I will try my hardest to get better at public speaking and work on what I need to to improve.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Rise of the NBA Nerd

Honestly, I'm not much for the NBA or rap music so I couldn't really catch on or relate to what the article was talking about. The author talked about the shift in black culture and what celebrities can and can't wear acceptably anymore. It talked about the complete 180 with the way a style has been portrayed. The nerd and sophisticated look has been changed to be acceptable in black culture whereas in the 90's and early 2000's, it was looked at as looking to get bullied. These are the looks similar to Carlton Banks and (somewhat) Steve Urkel. They used to be synonymous with being a nerd, gay, white and just were not acceptable when those characters were around. I honestly hadn't looked very deeply at why celebrities had begun to dress this way and the fact that it didn't use to be okay not too terribly long ago. I never saw it as proving a point or trying to get a voice out to say it's okay. I know that I'd heard people talking about it being a sell-out move by celebrities and that they were no longer proud of the heritage and culture that they'd grown up around. Maybe they do actually just enjoy the new style coming out. Maybe they're being made to wear the more sophisticated and "white" clothes by publicists and coaches. I'll definitely have to pay closer attention to what's going on around me in that aspect from now on.