Thursday, September 4, 2014

In the article, "Jennifer Lawrence Nude Photo Leak Isn't A 'Scandal.' It's A Sex Crime" The author speaks of an issue bigger than just the nude photos of celebrities being leaked. He sort of goes on to talk about the ongoing problem paralleling this one. How this wasn't a choice on their part but a crime against them. Your phone should be a private place and a person shouldn't have to worry about someone hacking into their personal things and sending out information for their own personal gain. The author brings up the same situation in which Vanessa Anne Hudgens was caught in a few years ago. They treated her terribly and made the victim of this crime into the one who should feel guilty about it to begin with. She made a public apology for something that she was not to blame for. That shouldn't have been the case because she had nothing to apologize for. Those images were meant for private purposes, not to be paraded around the internet because some jerk doesn't care about what happens to others. I also liked the point that was made in the third paragraph where he says, "It is not on the (usually, but not always, female) victim to take “enough” measures to protect herself but rather on the (usually, but not always, male) victimizer to choose not to commit said crime." Sex crime is a growing problem regardless of what type. I mean, as college students we were made to take an online course before coming here about violence prevention and sexual assault. I agree one hundred percent with the author that these women who had their privacy broken into and publicized for the world to see are victims. They shouldn't apologize for anything because they did nothing wrong, they were wronged by hackers who hurt others for their own gain (whatever that may be).

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